What Are Your Favorite and Least Favorite Cigars?

What Are Your Favorite and Least Favorite Cigars?

What Are Your Favorite and Least Favorite Cigars?

Disclaimer: We did not receive any compensation or benefits from any of the businesses mentioned in this post.

Many people ask us what are your favorite and least favorite cigars? We personally tell them that we have numerous favorites such as Fuente Fuente Opus X Angel Share and La Aurora Cien Anos Maduro. However, we tell them that we will not answer the last part of the question. That, of course, always leaves to the question why?

Why Will You Note Tell Me Your Least Favorite Cigar?

Well, the one thing everyone who gets into cigars should know is that your tastes are probably different than mine and even your best friend who got you into cigars. For the most part Bernie and I have the same taste but there are a couple cigars Bernie prefers that I do not (That means he gets to have those cigars all to himself. Ha!).

When people ask us “Why” we will not tell them our least favorite cigars, we tell them that it is not fair to tell them that because our palettes are probably different than theirs and that we do not want to influence their mindset regarding a particular cigar. This is particularly important to me when I work with women who are new to cigars. The fact is as a cigar smoker especially a new cigar smoker, you should try a variety of different cigars to determine what you like or do not like.

Three Strikes You’re Out Rule

Advice that we typically give to new cigar smokers is that if you find a cigar that does not measure up to the last cigar you tried, do not just write it completely off. Wait a few weeks or a couple months and give the cigar another chance. For example, we have the three (3) strikes you’re out rule.

How this works is simple. If we try a cigar that doesn’t compare to others we have tried, we will try it again in a few weeks or months. The reason that we give the cigar another chance is that sometimes you may have eaten something that affected your palette, you may be coming down with a cold, or you could have just had a bad day at work. Lots of things you encounter in your daily life can influence your palate and many times you don’t even think that it could be something other than the cigar.

If we still are not satisfied with the cigar the second time, then obviously that cigar is not for us. However, if we like the cigar the second time around, then we will give it a third try. Third time is the deciding vote. Either were going to add it to our cigar collection or not.

Key to Smoking Cigars

The key to smoking cigars is to continuously try different cigars to determine your cigar preferences. If your best friend who has been smoking cigars for a long time does not like a cigar give it a try anyway. You may love the cigar and permanently add it to your humidor.

Also, as you become more familiar with your palette you will recognize what cigars work best with your mood. It takes some time to become familiar with how cigars interact with your body chemistry, but once you become familiar with the interactions, you will know what cigars to smoke when.

Another thing to keep in mind is that expensive does not necessarily mean better so don’t think that you need to spend $20 on a cigar versus a $7 cigar. Do your homework, try a variety of cigars, and build your own palette and humidor. Advice and suggestions are great but keep in mind many people who are providing that information may have a different palate than you so take it with a grain of salt and decide for yourself.

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