Who Are Bernie and Christy Auld?

Bernie & Christy Auld

Who are the Auld’s you may ask? We are Bernie and Christy Auld and this blog is devoted to the fun and crazy adventures that we experience together. Why do you care anything about what we do? Well, reality shows are everywhere and how often can you relate to reality stars. Most of the time when we meet people and talk about the craziness that is our lives, they become interested not only in our story, but they seem to come up with their own ideas of things they could do to have a little more fun and adventure. Others can relate to us because we are not millionaires with scripted lives. We are just another husband/wife duo that loves to have fun with each other. For us adventure can be something as simple as going to a restaurant. Fun and adventure is something we never work hard at finding. It tends to find us wherever we go.

Allow us to introduce ourselves separately for a moment to give you a better idea of who we are individually. This will also help as you read our blog to know how each of us think.

Here’s Bernie

My name is Bernie Auld and I am originally from Texas. I have never met a stranger and can always find something to entertain myself. My humor is not always understood but most of the time it is for my amusement more than for others. I do not take myself seriously so you should not either. Christy calls me her five (5) year old (yes, that’s a compliment) because I can find the fun in everything. This blog is going to be so much fun because who knows what I will come up with next.

Watch Out for the Redhead

My name is Christy Auld and I am originally from Missouri. It will not take you long to figure out that I am very blunt and to the point. If I do not like something, I will tell you and if I find something that I love, well, that is why I wanted to start a blog so I could share those things with others. I am the first to try something new and am afraid of very few things. Bernie always says that people “remember the redhead”. Well, for better or for worse people do remember the redhead and for that you will never hear me apologize.

Follow Us to Learn More

So now that you have gotten to know us a little better, we hope you will decide to follow our blog to see what interesting things we are talking about and what adventures we are starting. Who knows where we will take you next?

Bernie and Christy Auld